Additional data from Gabriel and Atkins
We have uploaded an excel spreadsheet with our PRS and summary of results. Which you can download here
The code that was generated for this paper can be found here
Summary Statistics
For use of the summary statistics from our paper - users must agree that they will use these summary statistics to advance research in lung cancer and will not try to identify individuals that were part of this study. If you use these summary statistics in your work, please give us a cite if you wish but more importantly please tag me (twitter @josh_atkins311) in any preprints/papers as I would love to read everyone’s work that uses these summary statistics.
If you agree to the above; Summary statistics from our meta
Family history of lung cancer GWAx results
ZxZ plot of family history GWAS vs TRICL lung cancer
Genetic correlation of family history GWAS across GSCAN smoking traits
Genome-wide associated loci from Meta-analysis of family history GWAx and TRICL
Download the table as a TXT here
Smoking PRS (smPRS)
web table of variants and all information including GTEx variables
web table of variants and all information including GTEx variables
The combined list (cmbPRS)
web table of variants and all information including GTEx variables
Email the following atkinsj at iarc (dot) who (dot) int or contact me via twitter: @josh_atkins311